Monday, August 17, 2009

The last week has seen a family outing down the Vallee de la Loire, a beautiful, fertile valley that follows the Loire River. Most famous for the many stunning Chateau's, we were headed for a flower show. Not my usual cuppa but I was tempted by Patrick with the promise of a picturesque drive...and he delivered! Past the scenic town of Bloise and onto one of the 59 nuclear power stations dotted through-out France.

The flower show was held in the grounds of the Chateau Chaumont-sur-Loire and was a festival of colour this year. While I didn't always understand the logic or artistic expression behind some of the gardens, (waffle waffle waffle) I at least appreciated the effort, especially the French Poodle!

After a lunch of salmon sammies washed down with cider, we decided to head onto the near-by town of Amboise which was the final home of Leonardo de Vinci (in the Clos Luce) and has a display of many of his inventions. What an amazing man he was, constantly thinking up new ideas and variations on old ones. A good example is the double-layered bridge so that pedestrians carts can use the same bridge at the same time, thus improving the traffic flow. Who would have thought he was a council worker at heart! But he didn't mind the odd war machine either!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The way to Rome is paved in gold they said, and so far I can't complain! We had 5 days in Moorea(French Polynisia) and 5 days in Santa Barbara(California) enroute to France and it was fantastic! In Moorea it was days by the beach, swimming, cycling and kayaking, while in Santa Barbara we were more cerebral, taking in the history and the beautiful buildings plus the local wine trail.

S.B surprised us with how picturesque it was, lovely streets, a beautiful beach and all topped of with friendly Californian's. The food was great, the beer was cold and they have the best Farmers Market I have seen. What more could I want? With all the reading of Loius L'Amour over the years I felt at home here.